Sunday, February 20, 2022

"Sir, atomic energy should be utilised in the Secretariat so that the files move a little quickly."

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant - KKNPP - 001

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Question Hour is over.

From a Question Hour session in the Parliament, on Nov. 8, 1966.

44. SHRI N. SRI RAMA REDDY-will the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under Government's consideration for establishing a series of small atomic rower stations all over the country?


SHRI N. RAMA REDDY: May I know, Sir, whether there is any possibility at all, basing on our experience and experimentation in this atomic energy, of

this kind of thing coming to the aid of extra production of power wherever such power is not available in this country?

SRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI: Sir, as I said, there is no proposal under our consideration for the immediate establishment of small size atomic power stations. In fact nuclear power stations of small size are not economical and the cost of generation of power from them is high and cannot compete with the cost of power generation from thermal stations. Trends in power reactor technology show that the larger the reactor the cheaper is the cost of the generation.

SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: The only thing I would like to know is whether atomic power can be installed in the Secretariat so that files move a little quicker.


SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: Sir, atomic energy should be utilised in the Secretariat so that the files move a little quickly.

MR. CHAIRMAN: It is a suggestion for action.

SHRI A. P. CHATTERJEE: May I know, Sir, whether the Prime Minister will inform the House of the use which this atomic energy station is being put to other than producing radio-active isotopes of which, of course, we have heard much? What other uses is this atomic energy station being put to?

SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI: Generation of power.

SHRI NIREN GHOSH: May I know, Sir, whether the Government would consider the setting up of big atomic power station in view of the fact that India is short of power and that our natural resources are too little in that respect?

SHRIMATI INDIRA GANDHI: Sir, there are two atomic power stations on which work is in progress. One is the Tarapore Atomic Power Station and the second is the first unit of the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station. Tarapore Atomic Power Station will generate 330 M.W. power is expected to be commissioned in October 1988 while the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station first unit will supply 200 M.W. power and is expected to go into operation late in 1969. The Fourth Five Year Plan provides an addition of a second 200 M.W. unit at the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station to be commissioned in 1971 and the establishment of a 400 M. W. atomic power station consisting of two units of 200 M.W. each at Kalpakkam in the Madras State, the first unit of which will be commissioned in 11*71 and the second in 1973.

MR. CHAIRMAN: The Question Hour is over.

~ RAJYA SABHA, Tuesday, the 8th November, 1966/the 17th Kartika 1888 (Saka)

Comrade Bhupesh Gupta was an MP in the Rajya Sabha from the Communist Party of India.


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