Countries that would make for strange bedfellows today, extended cooperation to each other, back then, in domains that would currently seem improbable. Innocuous the actual nature, they may be, the underlying truth, it involves Radioactivity.
One such example appears in the International Atomic Energy Agency's [IAEA] Annual Report of 1966-67, detailing the "PROGRESS IN PEACEFUL APPLICATIONS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY" [in-built Viewer] of member countries,
"Three scientists from Afghanistan received training in the safe handling of radioisotopes and in radiochemical techniques. This was a prelude to the setting up of an isotope dispensing centre at Kabul by scientists of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Two scientists from Saudi Arabia were trained in radiation monitoring techniques. A number of other scientists from abroad came to work in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre under bilateral arrangements and fellowship programmes."
The Chinese, too, have derived benefits from Indian Atomic outreach.
"Established at the Philippine Atomic Research Center (PARC), this co-operative venture aims to train scientists and technicians from any Member State of the Agency in Asia and the Far East in the construction, installation and use of a crystal spectrometer provided by India. A second spectrometer was designed and fabricated at the PARC under the project. The IPA research and training programme, now in its third year of operation, was awarded a research contract by the Agency on the study of the static and dynamic structure of solids by neutron spectrometry. Four IPA participants from China, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines and Thailand completed their training. This brings the total of foreign participants trained to five. During the year, the fourth Indian scientist to serve as expert for the project arrived to assume his duties."
Interesting footnotes in the rich history of India's Nuclear Programme.