Numbers of significance, as observed today.
- $1.54 Billion USD - Rs. 10,000 Crores. Value of Investment expected in India's newly setup Aerospace and Defence Park in the Tamil Nadu state. [source]
- 5 - Units of Russian S-400 Air Defence Systems, that India plans to induct by 2022. [source]
- 3 - Nos. of LCA Tejas aircraft HAL will deliver to the Indian Air Force [IAF], to join its No. 45 Squadron, the Flying Daggers, by the end of March. [source]
- 1,450 megatons of TNT - amount of energy released, three times more than the combined energy released from all Nuclear Tests conducted, if Asteroid Bennu were to strike Earth, a possibility, as NASA has classified it as a Near Earth Object [NEO]. NASA has a solution - a Nuclear-powered HAMMER: Hypervelocity Asteroid Mitigation Measure for Emergency Response. [source]
This article lists out some recent deployment of the People's Liberation Army Air Force [PLAAF] in the Tibet Autonomous Region, currently under its control. Have mapped out the information, as provided in the article, in a graphical form.
Also Read: Today, In Numbers - March 16, 2018 [Friday]