India, in 1971, signed a pact with the erstwhile Soviet Union, called the 'Treaty of Peace, Friendship & Cooperation'. It was to ensure that in case India got embroiled in an armed external conflict, the Soviets would come to India's aid & take measures to stop it. In reality, these measures were aimed towards triggering an all-out war between India & pakistan.
From the archived pages of KGB operative Vasili Mitrokhin titled, 'KGB Active Measures in Southwest Asia in 1980-82 ', we learn that,
"The KGB Resident in Delhi, Prokhorov,(4) put forward proposals for Active Measures on his own initiative (in his telegram No 1669 of 5 May 1981). These led to the following sinister conclusion: in order to keep the Babrak Karmal regime in power in Afghanistan, a war between India and Pakistan would be advantageous for the Soviet Union, and they must be steered in that direction."
This was part of it's broader plan to relieve stress brought upon itself by it's occupation of Afghanistan since 1979, by seeding doubt & misunderstanding amongst Afghanistan's neighbours & it's adversaries. Codenamed, 'TORKHAM', a pakistani border town alongside Afghanistan, amongst it's objectives were to,
"intensify and deepen disagreements between India and Pakistan on existing disputed issues; inspire new irritants in Indo-Pakistan relations; reinforce the antipathy and suspicion felt by Indira Gandhi and other Indian leaders towards Zia-ul Haq personally".
Towards this, the Soviets aimed to convince both India & Iran that, "by building up its military potential Pakistan was in fact preparing for aggression not only against Afghanistan, but also against India and Iran". Not just that, they had also planned to ensure that, "Disinformation was to be conveyed to Gandhi on joint operations by the US, Pakistan and the People's Republic of China to destabilize the situation in Jammu and Kashmir." The Gandhi here being the then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi who was at the helms at that time. Not out of the realms of possibility was "the question of creating a new irritant - the problem of setting up an Azad-Kashmir independent of Pakistan and India".
Related: India-Russia military co-operation
Any peace overtures made between India & pakistan died premature deaths as, "KGB Active Measures designed to impede the improvement of Pakistan- Indian relations contributed to the failure of the Pakistani leadership's attempts to improve relations with India and to reduce tension on the borders with India.".
Not just pakistan, it would sow seeds of suspicion against U.S. plans in the sub-continent, through careful, calibrated supply of disinformation through inwardly compromised, but outwardly respectable individuals,
"In Colombo, an agent of the Residency among Sri Lankan journalists had access to the Indian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka, T. Sri Abraham. He passed on to Abraham information supplied by Service A of the FCD, and the latter expressed unfailing interest in this. Thus, at a regular meeting on 10 January 1981, the agent passed on information on a US plan covering a 20-year period to establish its domination in the Indian Ocean to the detriment of India's interests."
In the smokes & mirror world of International Relationships, there are no permanent enemies, no eternal friendships. Just self-interest, driving actions.